Handy Grandpa

A day in the life of Grandpa Boen

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Heat wave in Minny-sota!

What a gorgeous weekend and week ahead for us up in the North country! My son and I finally got the chance to get out ice fishing this past Saturday to a small lake about and hour South of here. What a great day!

Packed up our portable ice shelter, one of Blake’s friends and a nephew! Oh, and I packed a bunch of snacks and goodies! We got to the lake about 10am.. which is a little late for the crappie bite but we weren’t there to catch fish.. we were there to get away. It was fun! I bought some wood at a local store so that we could make a bonfire on the lake and cook some hotdogs.. it was awesome! Hotdogs, Pringles, licorice and other junk food! We were there for about 5 hours.. we had to leave before the late afternoon bite which kind of sucks but all in all.. it was nice to get away for the day and just chill out.

As for the fishing.. I had two bites.. thats it. As for the weather, it was a balmy 28 degrees that day but the wind was a little stiff out of the South.. which made it a little chilly for me since I was sitting outside so the boys could stay warm.

The week ahead looks awesome! They are talking 45 degrees up here! Thats nuts! Maybe Spring will come early or is this just a teaser?

I hope your all having a wonderful Winter and just know that I really enjoy reading your blogs! Shannon

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Last Summer we bought a different house and moved across town!  So in the next few weeks I’m going to share with you some of the projects I have done to the new house since moving in!  Today I’m going to share with you the front porch.

When we first took a look at his house from the road.. My wife Darla said “It doesn’t have any curb appeal” and needs a facelift and some bling.. it was pretty blah! Here is a picture of the porch when we bought it..


So as you can see, it was your basic treated lumber railing with 4″x4″ posts. I thought that maybe by stripping all the hold stain etc off of it and re-staining it, that it would look great again.. but after many hours of applying stripper and pressure washing, it wasn’t going to give us the look that we wanted.  The front door is gorgeous.. but you can’t see it!!

So after some looking around and getting some great idea’s from Darla’s sister..  we decided to add some curb appeal.  I started by taking down all the old railing.. once I got that off, we were saying wow.. it looks much better without a railing! More open and inviting!  So instead of a dark old railing, we wanted to brighten things up a bit and find a way to show off our front door!  Here is the finished product..


Can you see a difference?  lol!  So I took out the other wood posts completely and added these 4 fiberglass columns, I stained the porch deck with a real dark stain to match the front door.. hey! You can see the front door!!!!  I also added the white boards across the front of the steps and porch to add some bling.  Actually in this picture, the columns aren’t yet painted.. I have them painted white now.  I also notice the rain spout looks like a train ran it over..  lol.  I have a new on there as well.  This was a fun project that I hope added some curb appeal for those that drive by 🙂

I think this project from start to finish was under $1000!  Not bad!  It helps when you can do the work yourself and not have to hire someone.  I hope you enjoyed this project!! Stay tuned for more projects from my “honey-do” list!!   Take care and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to ask!! Shannon

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Are you kidding me…

Are you kidding me?  Its like 30 degrees outside today!  That is unreal!  I just got done changing out the water in our outdoor hot tub!  It loses water each day..  when I ordered a new cover for it last summer, I ended up getting it a little bit to big and it allows for some steam to go out which in turn causes it to lose water.  Not a big deal.  I just hook a garden hose up that is thawed out and fill it and refresh the water with my essential oils. I don’t use the harmful chemicals in there.. its like a spa!

So, once the temperature gets back up to 104 degrees tonight.. we might have to get this old body out in the cold and jump in!  Its pretty cold on the feet walking out to it but walking back into the house is no problem since we are so hot!  I wanted to go out and try it last week when it was -30 outside but my wife and son had nothing to do with it!  Hope you get out and enjoy the weather… hows the weather where you are?



Winter fun!



I’ve been away for a while busy with Winter fun!  I like when we hear.. “well, you ready to hibernate for the Winter?”  or also love to hear people say the weather is so nasty that I just want to stay home and cuddle up with a blanket and watch Dancing with the Stars or something!  There is so much to do!

As some of you know, I’m a groundskeeper at our local junior college and spend a lot of time in the Winter removing snow from parking lots, sidewalks and roadways.  Well, we have been busy this season!  It seems like we are getting way more snow this year than we have in the past 5 years or more.  Is it a bad thing?  Heck no!  Thief River Falls is the home of Arctic Cat snowmobiles and nothing sells snowmobiles (sno-cats) like lots of snow.  So its great for our economy and awesome for those that like to get out on the groomed trails and ride.  I will say that I’m getting tired of removing it 🙂

The last couple weeks have been miserably cold and most days windy.  When I say cold, I’m talking -25 with -45 wind chills!  That my friends is cold.  Now this week or for the next 10 days we are looking at highs in the mid 30’s!!!!!  I told a lady at work today that I was going to take out the Summer shorts! I was kidding but today its like 25 degrees and it feels marvelous!  So when it snows, gets cold or the wind blows.. what does a grandpa do?

I stay busy!  I have been coaching my son’s basketball team since they were in second grade.. now this group of young men are seniors!  So my wife Darla and I love to watch him and his team play.  As of right now they are 6-3 and are playing well.  We go to Grand Forks tonight to face a tough Red River team which will be a real test.  This Friday we pack up our bags and follow them out to the Iron Range..(Cloquet and Grand Rapids) for an overnight trip which should be a lot of fun for them and us parents.  We like to go to these other towns and find and old bar and grille and have a burger and beer before the game.  Nothing to wild, just fun to check out these old priceless little towns on our senior tour!  I’ll keep you posted on their progress throughout the rest of the season!

I also spend one or two nights a week officiating high school basketball.  This is really fun as well.. lots of people ask me “how can you do it with all the yelling”..  I honestly don’t hear it unless it’s the coach that is yelling.  My response to these people is this-I can stay home and sit on the couch and get yelled at by my wife (lol..just kidding hun) or I can go referee, get some excercise in, and get paid!  I love the game of basketball and this is the best seat in the house for a game!  So yeah, it’s still cold and crappy outside but I figure I can lay around plenty when I’m 6′ under!  Gotta keep moving!

On my days where I actually have nothing to do.. I love to spend time with my family. My Grandson Brevyn makes my life complete when I get to see him.  Yesterday I got to spend the day with him cause we were off for MLK day and it was a blast.  I finally got a chance to take him outside to play in the snow!  He is 18 months old and has never really played in the snow so this was something new for him.. he wasn’t real keen on the whole snow thing.. but liked it as long as I was holding him and he didn’t have to try to walk through it!  He is such a happy baby with so many expressions!  I’m posting a picture of him sitting up on his swing set yesterday.. doesn’t he look excited?  🙂  I love my family dearly.

We also bought some cross-country skis!  My wife and son Blake are rock stars at it.. me, well I’m working on it.  Its fun to get out of the house and do some of these activities!  img_0971

So if you feel yourself getting the Winter blues…  get out!!  There is something to do!! Until next time.. Take care, Shannon

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Day two of 2016 Deer Season…

It seemed like the alarm was going off early on this second day of deer season.. and it was! We had to turn our clocks back the night before so we ended up with one hour less sleep but the expectations of this mornings hunt made it all that much easier to get up and get going!

Same as the morning before, we get up and brush our teeth, have some coffee and toast.. and get the game plan set for the morning.  My mother makes home made brown bread and this went into the toaster!  I love that bread with peanut butter and pickles!  🙂  So we are off-everyone else on ATV’s and me on foot.  Into the black star filled morning.  On my walk I could hear Coyotes barking in t he distance which kind of made my hair stand on end and of course make me walk faster.

Once in the stand, it was so relaxing to just sit back and listen to nature in the night.  There are a few cattle farmers in the area and the cattle were making plenty of noise to keep me awake.   After in the stand for maybe 45 minutes I have something walk by me in the darkness.  It was probably within 20 yards of me and sounded like a deer to me..  I could hear it walking through the water and tall grass. It was way to early to be able to see what it was and of course to early to take a shot.  It did get my heart pumping though!

It wasn’t long and the sun began to rise and things began to lighten up a bit.  I started using my buck call.. it basically makes sounds that mimic the sound of a female deer (doe) that is in heat.  The bucks if within hearing distance usually come looking.  This morning wouldn’t be any different, I had one small 6 point buck do two laps around my stand looking for his mate..  and another small 4 point walk right by me.  It was awesome.  But, pretty soon it was 8:45am time to head in for breakfast and feed our bellies! Everyone had deer close to them but nothing big enough to harvest.  We ate like kings again and had to nap afterwords.  That was tough work 🙂

After nap time, it was time to head to the stands early and spend all afternoon looking for the big trophy.  I packed enough halloween candy and sunflower seeds in my pockets to last a year.  Oh, and a thermos of coffee.  I was ready.  It was like 60 degrees and sunny with no wind..  again, way to nice for hunting but nice for this old fart to sit and watch the outdoor world.  Well, same result.  I had the same bucks walk by and also a couple small calves (last Summers babies) walk by… they are fun to watch!  They are just like a couple small kids!   It was a great day in the stand and loved every minute of it!!  It was time to head back into the dark and go make supper!!  This night we had canned venison over toast!  It was awesome!  Nothing better than a full belly of great food!  WE all had seen deer all weekend and couldn’t wait for the second weekend to see what that would bring…  we packed up and headed back home to work and go to school for a few days..   stay tuned for weekend number two of deer camp.. Shannon


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Opening day of Deer Season 2016


Well, another deer season has come and gone.  It seems like months leading up to deer season take forever and the season never seems to get here… then all of a sudden its here and done before you know it.  We have so much fun and make so many memories with family and friends.

Our Whitetail season in the far Northwest Minnesota (Karlstad) runs from November 5th through November 13th.  Some other areas in the state have 3 weeks to hunt but of course not ours!  I’m not sure if my body can handle 3 weeks of “hunting” season.  I usually stick to a pretty good diet and on a regular schedule when at home, but when we head North to the cabin the diet gets left on the porch at home.  So here is our two weekends of hunting.

The Friday before season is a day to get things packed up.  My 18 year old son Blake gets a “get out of school” pass and we get groceries, ammo, hand warmers, treats and clothing ready for the big hunt.  This year we got everything packed in the truck and were about to leave when I realized we hadn’t packed our guns!  You can see how important that part of the hunt is to us.  So we finally get on the road by 1 pm and start our trek 45 minutes North to Karlstad.

We pull into the cabin at about 2pm and get settled in.  It was a gorgeous sunny day and about 60 degrees so we decided to go check out our deer stands.  It was good that we did!  My portable 16′ high tripod stand had tipped over in the wind.  So we spent the next couple hours getting that back up and ready.  Its an old stand that I’ve had for years and its getting pretty beat up from getting blown over.  It once had a nice top to protect me from the elements and a skirt to help block the wind and conceal me a bit.  The top is now just some busted up metal with no roof.. the skirt is gone but I’ve replaced that with some old carpet remnants.  Once we got it back up, Blake crawled up the ladder and all he said is the my stand was “sketch”… meaning not very nice.  Everyone else in our hunting party sits in enclosed stands with windows and heaters.. not me.  I love to be out in the open with lots of vision and be able to hear. I get a little closer to the warms stands each year.. must be old age setting in.

Once the work was done, it was time to kick back and relax.  We turned the fireplace on and had some supper.   After supper my brother Chad and my nephew Drew (13) arrive.  Everyone was getting all their hunting clothing set out for morning and talking about what we were hoping to see.  Once that was all set and ready, we bring out the dice box, a few adult beverages for us, pop and treats for them and shake dice for quarters.  The kids love this and before you know it, its midnight and we need to get to bed… the alarm is going to go off at 6am!!

Opening morning is here!!!  Alarms are going off throughout the cabin..  we all get downstairs likes its Christmas Day and santa has been there!  We get the coffee pot going, make a few slices of toast.. my dad/grandpa shows up (he lives near by) to hear the plan etc. and we are off!   Chad, Drew, Dad and Blake ride of into the dark woods on ATV’s while my dad I head out in the darkness by foot and a little flashlight strapped around my head. (around my neck in picture) My sketchy tripod stand is a little less than a half mile from the cabin and a great walk.  I hear Coyotes howling in the distance which makes me walk a little faster than normal and before you know it, I’m at my stand.  Still pitch black and can’t see a thing.   I finally get up and in there, get everything ready to go and just sit back and admire the gorgeous morning and all the bright stars… it was amazing.  It wasn’t long and the sky to the East would start to lighten up and I could start to use my most important sense.. my vision!

In the picture, you can see a small buck (male) coming up from behind me!  Once it got light, I had deer walking all around me.  It was so neat.  Why not shoot?  Well, we have decided to let these smaller deer go and wait for the bigger bucks.. QDM we call it, which stands for quality deer management.  I had a total of 4 deer walk right by me on this opening morning and most of them walked right by Blake as well. His stand is about 600 yards across the field from me.  It was fun to see Blake be patient and just enjoy the beauty of these animals.  I have to be honest, its not easy to just sit back and let them walk by… I love venison and my freezer is empty!   Chad, Drew and dad all saw deer on this beautiful morning but nothing to call ours.

I checked my phone and it was already 8:30am.. deer were gone so I sent out a text saying it was time for breakfast!  We all head back to the cabin to talk about the morning hunt and get our bellies filled up.  Everyone was excited about all the deer movement and couldn’t wait to see what the evening sit would produce.  I’m the camp cook and I love it!  My brothers cabin has a restaurant style grill and its amazing.  (I’m trying to get a pic loaded of it.. but)  So the first morning I make breakfast burritos!  Scrambled eggs with onions, green peppers, mushrooms and sausage…  I pack them full of small Tator Tots and my special cheese sauce…  they were amazing! Fattening as ever, but amazing.  Everyone got filled up and had some coffee and hot chocolate!  Breakfast was done and cleaned up and it was time to relax and let the food settle.  After a nap and some more dice shaking.. it was time to head for the stands for the evening hunt.

It was very warm for this time of the year.  Again it was in the upper 50’s while I walked out to my stand and almost to warm for meat to hang if a person were to harvest an animal.  I get out to my stand and it felt like I was in paradise.  Sunny, no wind, birds were singing.. it was just so relaxing.   About an hour before sundown the deer started moving again and we had several small bucks and a handful of does and calves walk right by us. Again, nothing that fit the bill but was fun calling them in and watching them in their wild habitat.  They are very smart and have a very keen sense of smell!  I think one of them could smell the burritos on me!  The sunset on this evening is still etched in my mind.. unreal.  (I hope to figure out how to get these pics uploaded for you)  The sun went down and the darkness was approaching fast.. so it was time for me to start the long walk back in the dark.

Once we all get back to the cabin the stories began to flow… one had seen a buck this big, another seen a bigger one but not big enough.. As they talked about the evening hunt, I started to get supper ready.  Earlier in the day I had put a bunch of chicken, potatoes, carrots, onions and a stick of butter in a big roaster.. that had been in there for about 5 hours and was almost ready!! The cabin smelt so good when we walked in..  our bellies were ready for another filling!   It was also time for the cook to have a ice cold beer and get the dishes out.  Once again, everyone dished up and filled up on a great meal.  The chicken was falling off the bone and the potatoes that had been swimming in butter were amazing.  I as well as everyone else, ate way too much and could barely move after eating.  We got everything cleaned up once again and then it was time to kick back in front of the fireplace and once again, let the food settle.  What diet?

We spent the night talking about our kids, our families and how life gets so busy at our age.  Blake will graduate next Spring.  I can’t believe how time flies and thats what I was telling my brother.   He has three wonderful kids between the age of 8 and 15.. its nice to just sit back for a minute and be thankful for the wonderful families that God has provided for us.  I also have a daughter Ashley who is 24, married and has our little grandson Brevyn who is 15 months old!  I can’t believe how awesome it is to be a grandpa!!!!  I’m kinda getting off track here..  oh well, I can’t wait to get him out of school soon and bring him with to camp.  Its funny when you get away from your normal diet and busy life at home, that you find time to be thankful for what you have in your life.  Its not always about the hunt.. its more about the time spent together and the memories we produce.

Ok, so we finally get the food settled in and the kids want to shake dice again!  So off the couch and into the kitchen table to see how many quarters I have left from the night before..  lucky enough I had enough to play.  Its a lot of fun to see the kids laughing and enjoying themselves.. I think I lost 5 dollars in quarters this night but had a million dollars worth of fun.  Before we knew it, it was 1:00 am and our alarms were going to go off in 5 hours.. time to head to bed.   I did have one more shake for a dollar with the kids before heading off to bed.. which I lost 🙂

Stay tuned for day 2 of the opening weekend…….

p.s. I will try and get more pics loaded.  -cross your fingers. 🙂



Minnesota Whitetail Deer Season is here!


Good day to you!  Well, another deer season is about to start on Saturday!  My son Blake, brother Chad and his son Drew, and my father Jerry hunt Northwest of Karlstad Minnesota.  My brother owns 158 acres of land and a beautiful cabin.  This is a picture of me and Blake with his first deer back in 2011.  I’m about 30 lbs heavier in the is pic than I am right now..  but Blake’s first buck has a story of its own!

Lets look back to November 6, 2011!  (I’ll make it quick)  My alarm goes off at around 5am and I get up to get coffee brewing!  I get that going and start a light breakfast..  head back up stairs in the cabin to get Blake up for his first “real” deer hunt.  Now back when I was his age I couldn’t sleep the night before opening morning… anyway, I go up there and he is in a deep sleep…  “Time to get up.. there are deer running all over the place out there”  Blake rolled over and said “I’m to tired, I’ll come out to the stand when I get up”.. I was like.. ok.   It kinda had me wondering what it was about deer hunting that he loves the most..

So I head back down and fill Blake’s New Thermos with coffee, have a piece of toast and get the plan set with my brother Chad for the morning hunt.  We like to know where each is sitting so we stay safe and don’t shoot in the wrong direction etc.  I head to the stand at about 6am by myself with out my big hunter Blake.  I get out to the two person stand and get all comfortable and pour a cup of coffee…  gorgeous morning!  I sat there wishing Blake was with me and how much “bonding” we could be doing on such a great morning. I watched all kinds of birds wake up and start chirping..  music to my ears!  Oh, and then the chipmunks start in..  they love to scurry around in the leaves and make noise similar to a deer walking in the woods..  drives me crazy. Anyway, it was an awesome day to be out in the woods and enjoy the fresh air and peace and quiet..  Then all of a sudden my phone vibrates…

I get a text from Blake.. “I’m coming out… where is my Thermos?”  I giggled a little bit.  I texted him back..  “Early bird gets the worm.. I have it filled with coffee here in the stand.. put your hot chocolate in my old one”   lol!!    I looked at the time and it was like 8am or so.. 8:45am I hear him coming down the trail.  (I usually head back in around 9am) He crawls up in the big stand and whispers that I switch chairs with him so he gets the nice comfy one.. again I said “the early bird gets the worm”… he gave me an evil eye!  lol!!  He asked if I had seen any deer yet.. I told him all about how great the morning was and how much he had missed but also said there hadn’t been any deer.. He says.. “That’s why I slept in”  🙂

So he quietly pours up a cup of hot chocolate and says that its already cold and wasn’t happy with me taking his Thermos.  I poured another cup of coffee and it was extremely steamy!!!  lol!   So he sets his cup down and loads his 243 single shot and has it ready.  He doesn’t even get a sip of hot chocolate and this buck comes running right at us through the brush.. down the trail in front of us..  stands perfect for a great shot. He hasn’t been in the stand 10 minutes!  He placed the shot perfectly.  He was shaking like a leaf just like his dad..  It was awesome.  We look out and the buck needed a finishing shot.. he takes aim.. I whispered in his ear.. “don’t shoot a horn off”   Boom!  The one horn goes flying! I couldn’t believe it!  That shot was enough to put the deer down.  I was so proud of him and proud to be with him on this morning!  The best part of the whole hunt is when he looked at me while getting out of the stand to check out his first deer.. he looks at me and says.. “The early bird might get the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese”…..It was his first deer and a great morning hunt that I will always remember.

I did find all the pieces to the busted horn and put it back on and stained it.  It turned out great..  I also wrote on the back of the plaque “the early bird gets the worm”

I hope you enjoyed my hunting story!  I hope to get more pics of the cabin this weekend and hopefully another good story to share with you!  Thanks and have a great day! Shannon

This is a pic of my nephew Drew last year…with the good Thermos!!  we have so much fun!
